Appendix 2 - Visual Pathways

Suggested readings from
Neuroscience, 5th ed.
Chapters 11 & 12

Appendix 2 Overview

  1. Introduction

  2. Pathways mediating visual sensation

  3. Visual field defects

  4. Neural control of pupil size


The primary purpose of this appendix is to provide you an overview of how the visual field is projected onto the retina, how it is represented in central visual structures, and how damage to these central structures can give rise to specific visual field deficits. You will also review the pathways responsible for the pupillary light reflex, since they are of significant diagnostic value to clinicians. Because you have already studied the orbit and eye movements in Normal Body, this topic will not be covered in this appendix. However, understanding the neural control of eye movements is also of importance for clinical diagnosis.


The visual pathways from the retina to the cortex are shown in a unique dissection of the ventral forebrain in Figure A2-1; Figure A2-2 shows an illustration from your textbook (Neuroscience, 5th Ed.) that should help you interpret that anatomical structures that are exposed in the first figure. Figures A2-3 and A2-4 illustrate the ways in which the visual fields are projected onto the retina and the other components of the visual pathways. There are several key points to be taken from these figures.

  1. Because light rays entering the eye are bent by the cornea and lens, the visual field is represented on the retina upside down and reversed from left to right. It is important to keep the relation between the visual field and the retinal representation straight: objects in the superior part of the visual field are represented on the inferior retina, and objects in the right half of the visual field are represented on the left half of the retina. (Diagrams of visual field deficits—examples of which are illustrated later in this appendix—are always of the visual field, not of the retina.)

  2. Both eyes see most, but not all, of the visual field. There are small “monocular crescents” in the far periphery of the visual fields seen by only one or the other eye. (You can demonstrate the extent of this crescent to yourself by observing what happens to your visual field when you close one eye.)

  3. Information carried out of the retina by the optic nerve fibers is split. This is to accommodate the frontal position of our eyes (point no. 2 above) and the principal of contralateral representation in the forebrain—in this case, contralateral representation of half of the visual scene. The fibers originating from the nasal part of each retina (the part next to the nose) cross in the optic chiasm and enter the lateral geniculate nucleus (a thalamic nucleus) on the opposite side. The fibers originating from the temporal part of the retina do not cross; they enter the lateral geniculate nucleus on the same side. The result of this partial crossing is that the left visual field is represented only on the right side of the brain and the right visual field is represented only on the left side of the brain. Thus, unlike each eye which sees both sides of the visual field, each half of the brain sees only the contralateral half of the visual field.


Visual field defecits

A deficit in the visual fields (a region in the visual field of one or both eyes in which there is a loss of sight) is referred to as a scotoma. You might think that a scotoma would be very obvious to an individual who has one, and many times they are. But sometimes, especially when it occurs in the periphery, a scotoma may go unrecognized until the individual has an accident that all too vividly reveals her/his sensory loss. (Traffic accidents are a common way to uncover such visual field deficits.)

On the right side of Figure A2-5, you will see examples of different types of visual field deficits. In each case, the regions of the visual field of each eye that are affected are shown in black. That is, the part of the visual field that is not visible in that eye is blacked out. Visual field diagrams are always done for each eye individually. Some deficits would not be easy to demonstrate if both eyes were open during the testing. On the left of the figure, lines are drawn through parts of the visual pathways to indicate locations that could be damaged to give each of the illustrated patterns of deficits.

Some rather cumbersome names are used to refer to particular patterns of visual field deficits. Anopsia (also spelled anopia) simply means loss of sight in one or both eyes. Hemianopsia indicates loss of sight in one half of the visual field. Quadrantanopsia is a loss of sight in one quadrant of the visual field. Bitemporal hemianopsia is a loss of sight in the right visual field of the right eye and the left visual field of the left eye. It is also called heteronymous hemianopsia because the affected regions of the visual fields in the two eyes are not congruent. When the affected regions of the visual fields of both eyes overlap (i.e., loss of vision in the left or right visual field of both eyes), the deficit is called homonymous. A patient could be described as having a homonymous hemianopsia or a homonymous quadrantanopsia, etc.

Widespread loss of vision without damage to the most central part of the visual field representation is called macular sparing. Macular sparing is a phenomenon often associated with lesions in the visual cortex but it can be found with lesions along the length of the visual pathways.


Consider the visual field deficits shown in Figure A2-5 and identify each by the proper clinical term (or combination of terms) highlighted on this page in bold font. You should be able to relate this figure back to the previous four figures and explain why each visual field deficit is associated with damage to the particular structure along the visual pathway from retina to visual cortex.


Neural control of pupil size

Consider the following three cases in Challenge A2-2. Refer to Figures A2-6 and A2-7 on the next two pages to answer the questions associated with each case.


Patient 1. During a physical exam, you shine a light into a patient’s left eye and you note that the pupils react only sluggishly to light. You stimulate the right eye and you find a brisk constriction of both pupils. From this information alone, what sort of neurological problem might you suspect? How would you test this idea?

Patient 2. A patient has come to you complaining of double vision. His left eye fails to adduct when he makes eye movements to the right. His left eyelid droops (ptosis) and the pupil in his left eye is larger than the pupil in the right. The pupil in the left eye does not react to light nor does it respond when light is shown in the right eye. How would you explain this deficit in the pupillary light reflex?

Patient 3. A third patient comes to see you with ptosis of his left eye. You examine his eye movements and these seem normal. Then you notice that the pupil in his left eye is measurably smaller than that of his right eye. How do you account for the symptoms in this case?


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Updated 1/07/13 - Velkey